The DAISSy (Dynamic Ambient Intelligent Sociotechnical Systems) research group ( was founded in 2001 by highly skilled and motivated researchers coming from various backgrounds. The DAISSy group mission is to address societal needs by developing and improving technologies and services and by constantly pursuing innovation. The vision of the researchers of DAISSy group is to contribute to the realization of an advanced humane society by inventing technology that adapts to and supports human needs.

Since its establishment, the DAISSy group has been implementing projects and activities aimed at facilitating the digital transformation of society and its sectors (i.e. education, culture, environment, industry etc.) and enabling the development of related competences of different groups (i.e. students, educators, young people, professionals, migrants etc.), thus supporting their inclusion and personal and professional growth. In DAISSy we are extremely sensitive to the needs of groups who are vulnerable and/or under-represented and/or face the risk of exclusion (i.e. migrants, unemployed, girls / women, LGBTI+, etc.) and we strive to implement activities to support them under a holistic approach.

Topic Description
Title Migrants Integration in the Labour market in Europe – MILE
Location Italy, Greece, Spain, Austria – pan European target
Time 12/11/2018 – 12/05/2021 / probably to be extended till 30.11.2021
SDG No 1, 4, 5, 8, 10
Brief Description MILE project proposal has been developed, formed and submitted in the framework of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) Call for proposals (AMIF-2017-AG-INTE). The motivation behind it has been the pressing needs and gaps evolving around the Third Country Nationals (TCNs) access in the labour market and employment conditions, taking also into consideration gender and other vulnerability inclusive criteria (such as the status, i.e. refugees; the age, i.e. young TCNs, etc).
Beneficiaries Third Country Nationals (TCNs)
Impact Ongoing project 
Social Innovation MILE develops, implements and mainstreams under a holistic approach an effective model of integrated services for Third-Country Nationals (TCNs), based on multi-sectorial competences, mobilisation of actors and migrants’ cultural, social and economic needs
Constraints Covid19 implications such as the cancelation of trainings, meetings and other relevant actions
Sustainability Sustainability is a main target of project MILE, and it is being achieved by various means, such as:

MILE Website: – to be working for a period of few years after the end of the project

MILE peer learning Platform: – to running after the end of the project

MILE Included at the AMIF Greece cluster:

TransferabilityReplicability One of the main MILE deliverables that will be finalized at the end of the project is the MILE MODEL report. This report will include all the steps, processes and results of the implemented actions. Main target of this MODEL is to enable MILE transferability and replicability. 

A dedicated budget in order to support the holistic approach of the MILE MODEL will need to be in place to facilitate this process.

Lessons Learned – Conclusions The Covid19 period and lockdown emerged a lot of unexpected challenges to the MILE project implementation. Flexibility and continuous adjustments are lots of times necessary, and in this case they have taken place in order to meet the projects’ targets as successfully as possible, while at the same time also addressing the new risks and needs that emerged during and due to the pandemic of Covi19.